Training session for Core Funding 2023 – Year 2 (Service Providers)
You are invited to attend a training session for Core
You are invited to attend a training session for Core
Further to the DECDIY’s announcement on the 15 June, the Core
Applications are now open for the Childminding Development Grant 2023.
Further to the DECDIY’s announcement on the 15 June, the Core
Minister O’Gorman has published detailed progress reports for First 5,
Although we all love the warmer weather, it is particularly
Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman,
Core Funding supports Partner Services with their financial sustainability while
Tuesday 20th June, 7pm – 8pm. This online workshop will
Unit 4B, Riverside Retail & Office Park,
Neil T Blaney Road, Letterkenny,
Co. Donegal, F92 XH2.
Unit 4B, Páirc Miondola Cois Abhann
Bóthar Neil T Blaney, Leitir Ceanainn
Co. Dhún na nGall, F92 XH2X.