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Submit your Core Funding Quality and Inclusive Practice Plan (QIPP) by 16 December 2024
The deadline for submission of your Quality and Inclusive Practice
The deadline for submission of your Quality and Inclusive Practice
Please see the below payment dates for early year’s programmes
As it is coming up to the Christmas holidays and
Please note the closing date for submitting an AIM Level
Dear Service Provider, You are invited to attend an information
Please note that the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration
From the start of the 2024/2025 programme call, where an
An updated version of the Financial Management Tool (FMT) for
Unit 4B, Riverside Retail & Office Park,
Neil T Blaney Road, Letterkenny,
Co. Donegal, F92 XH2.
Unit 4B, Páirc Miondola Cois Abhann
Bóthar Neil T Blaney, Leitir Ceanainn
Co. Dhún na nGall, F92 XH2X.