Dear Provider,
The 2024 OECD Starting Strong Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS Starting Strong) is closing soon. This is your last chance to complete the survey and voice your opinion on the working conditions and training needs of early years educators.
The CSO selected a sample of services that is representative of the wider sector to take part in the survey. Those selected to take part will have been contacted by the CSO over the last number of months.
Thank you to all the service providers who returned their listing forms and to all of the managers and educators who have completed the survey so far.
If you, or any managers and educators in your setting, were asked to complete the survey and you have not already done so, please remember to complete it as soon as possible. This will be your last opportunity to do so.
As a final step in the process, the CSO will be distributing tracking forms for you to complete to help indicate the level of participation in your setting.
Those selected to participate can access support from the CSO, using the contact details provided below:
Gemma O’Connell Duff: Telephone: (+353) 21 453 5110. Email:
Further information on TALIS Starting Strong can be found at
Early Years Division