As of 17/02/2024 there is going to be a significant change to HIVE.
Now, when parents end the award (CHICK) it will make the current claim invalid and service providers will have to end the claim before they can create a new one.
From this date 17/02/2024, a parent ending their award on NCS will automatically end the claim too. Therefore, service providers will not have to end the claim and if child is still in the service, they can create a new claim with the new CHICK without ending the current claim.
To help understand this new process, the Early Years Team has responded to some FAQ:
- Will the parents know they’re ending the claim when ending the award?
Yes, there will be a warning message when the parents applies for the new award informing them that this action will end the existing claim. Parents will also receive a notification with the new end date for the claim.
- How can parents end the award?
Parents can end the award by simply applying for the new award when the old one has not expired yet.
- What will be the new end date for the claim if the award has been ended?
It will always be Sunday of the week in which the award has been ended. For example, if parents applied for a new CHICK and cancelled the existing one on Friday 16/02/2024, the new end date for the claim will be Sunday 18/02/2024.
- How do I know which claims have been ended?
Service Providers will receive a notification with the CHICK number every time an applicant ends their award so it is important to regularly check your notification on the Early Years Hive. Also, on Hive under NCS registrations, there is a view called “Claims Ended by Applicant.” In that view, service providers will be able to see all of these claims.
- The child has already left the service and award was ended by the applicant, do I have to do anything else?
No, if child already left the service you don’t need to do anything.
- The child is still attending the service, what do I need to do?
You need to ask the parents for a new CHICK and then create a new claim. You won’t need to end the old claim as it will be cancelled automatically.
- I have a sponsored child who attends the service. When the sponsor ends the award, what should I do?
If the child has left the service, then you don’t need to do anything as the claim has already ended. If the child is still in the service, then you can ask the parents if they received the new CHICK or contact sponsor line at 01 906 8535.
The Early Years Team