Please note that for the Programme Year 2023/4 you will only have to complete one online Fee Table and one Parent Statement per family.
This will mean services will only need to input their fees once on the Early Years Hive. This Fee Table will then allow you to update a new Parent Statement, which will auto populate with the fee information. The Parent Statement must be co-signed by the provider and parent/guardian of each family in the service, and kept on file.
The Parent Statement is closely based on the document introduced last programme year under Core Funding, which for providers in more than one scheme will have a noticeable reduction on your administration.
The Parent Statement will take the place of:
- the ECCE Services Fees Information Letter
- the CCSP Saver Programme Service Fees Information Letter
- the Parental Agreement for NCS
- the Parent Statement for Core Funding
It is a requirement to keep your Parent Statement including Fee Table updated throughout the programme year and to issue revisions to your service users, however you will not need to have it signed again. If, in agreement with you, there is a change in a parent’s hours or days, there will be no need to issue and sign a new Parent Statement. If there is an increase in a family’s NCS subsidy, or the NCS rates, there will be no need to issue or sign a new Parent Statement. Equally, if a child moves from Year 1 to Year 2 of ECCE, there will be no need to issue or sign a new Parent Statement. While providers will still need to communicate a parent’s individual fee to them, including any changes they will not need to have the Parent Statement re-signed.
There will be a different version of the Parent Statement for services depending on whether they are a Partner Service i.e. a service contracted into Core Funding, or an Approved Provider i.e. a service not contracted into Core Funding, but otherwise all services will use the same documents.
In anticipation of the new Parent Statement, we will not be doing compliance checks on NCS Parental Agreements until further notice.
The new Fee Table and Parent Statement will be available to complete from 28th July.
Further guidance will be made available to you on the Early Years Hive, and support will be provided through EYPC, the CCCs and the Pobal Training team.