News Blog
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The latest from Donegal Childcare.

Updated Public Health Guidance from the HPSC for ELC and SAC, including childminding settings
On 27 January the HPSC published new isolation guidance for children On 14

Recording and Slides for NCS Refresher Webinar 2022
Dear Service Provider, Following on from the NCS Refresher webinars

Resolved: TCAN Displaying “Expired” in Error
Dear Service Provider, Following from our notification yesterday, 25th January

AIM Level 1 Reminder
Dear Service Provider, Reminder: The application process for all qualified LINC Co-Ordinators remains open

Minister O’Gorman’s statement to ELC and SAC Providers
Please see link below to letter and video message from

Better Start Webinar, 26th January 2022, 7-8pm
Quality Development Service Information Session Join Better Start to learn

Updated Public Health Guidance from the HPSC for ELC and SAC settings
Dear Providers We are writing to you today to advise

Grant Programme for Improved Ventilation and Outdoor Play 2021
The DCEDIY and Pobal wish to advise all Early Learning

LINC+ CPD for LINC Graduates
The LINC Consortium is now offering two inclusive education programmes:

Safer Internet Day Event Invite: #TalkListenLearn – Supporting Children and Parents/Guardians Online
Webwise, in partnership with the National Parents Council Primary, are pleased to invite you

Updates to HSE Public Health Guidance for ELC and SAC Settings
Dear Provider, On 14th January 2022, the HPSC published an updated

FAQs for Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Age Childcare (SAC) Managers. Changes to contract tracing for children aged 3 months to less than 13 years (Updated 10th January 2022).

HPSC Guidelines – Updated 27th January 2021
Please see links below to updated HPSC Guidelines for Under