Reminder: New Garda Vetting Procedures for ELC and SAC Sector

Dear Provider, 

We are writing to remind you of important changes to the Garda Vetting procedure for the Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Aged Childcare (SAC) sector. The new Garda Vetting system has been designed to strengthen and streamline compliance processes to improve efficiencies for everyone. The updates will affect how employers, childminders, and employees apply for or renew their Garda Vetting applications. 

Our priority is to safeguard children, keeping them safe in all settings throughout Ireland. Starting from 1 February 2025, the following changes will take effect:

•    Early Childhood Ireland (ECI) will manage Garda Vetting services for all early learning and care, and school-age childcare employees. You do not need to be a member of Early Childhood Ireland to access this free vetting service. You will, however, need to register with Early Childhood Ireland as a Garda Vetting User to access vetting services, this will be available from 1 February 2025.

 •    Tusla will manage Garda Vetting services for registered providers including childminders as well as Chairpersons of Boards of Management. 

•    As part of these changes, Barnardos will no longer provide vetting services. 

We are committed to supporting you throughout this period of change. It is vital that you remain compliant with vetting requirements at all times. 

There is no need to reapply for Garda vetting if your current vetting is still valid (dated within the last three years). The recent changes only affect the process of where you apply for Garda vetting – for employees and for registered providers, or chairpersons of boards of management (if they are the registered provider). If your Garda Vetting is dated within the last three years, it remains valid, unless there has been a change in your employment status. 

For vetting of employees:                 

•    If your current provider is Barnardos and you have employees, you will be required to apply for a new Garda Vetting Affiliate Number for Early Childhood Ireland. This is a free service. We recommend that you take a proactive approach in transferring to your new provider to be ready for the 1 February 2025 commencement date and in advance of when you might next need Garda vetting services.

 •    Please contact the Garda National Vetting Bureau (GNBV) at to progress your Affiliate Number application to ensure you have your new number to process submissions through Early Childhood Ireland.

 •    Please note that the process of obtaining a new affiliate number can take several weeks and you will have no access to Garda vetting services during this period. It is therefore important that you should only instigate a change in affiliate number when you have no vetting applications in progress and do not anticipate you will need vetting. If a service expects to need vetting between now and 31 January you should wait until after completing your upcoming vetting to proceed with changing affiliate number. It is okay to instigate a change in your affiliate number after 31 January. 

For vetting of registered providers including childminders, single-handed operators and Chairpersons of Boards of Management:

•    Tusla will manage Garda Vetting services for registered providers including childminders, single-handed operators, and Chairpersons of Boards of Management. An affiliate number will not be required to access vetting through Tusla as they are a Regulatory Body. This vetting service is available to all childminders, including those who are not yet registered. 

For further information, please visit the page with information on the new Garda Vetting procedures for the sector here.

This page will be updated regularly with any further details or guidance. 

Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your current provider or contact your local City or County Childcare Committee. 

Thank you for your cooperation as we work together to implement these new procedures. 


DCEDIY’s Early Years Division

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