Dear ELC/SAC provider,
Better Start Quality Development Service Evaluation
The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) have commissioned an independent evaluation of the Better Start Quality Development Service (QDS). Better Start QDS is a national initiative that was launched in 2015 to enhance quality practice and promote positive outcomes for children in Early Learning and Care (ELC) settings.
The evaluation aims to better understand the Better Start QDS, whether it contributes to improved quality of practice and positive outcomes, and if there are any areas for improvement. It is an independent evaluation that is being carried out by the Centre for Effective Services (CES) and Marino Institute of Education (MIE).
CES and MIE recently launched a short, confidential online survey exploring services’ experiences with Better Start QDS. A link to this survey has been shared with all services who have engaged with QDS since 2015. We would like to thank all the service providers who have participated to date, and encourage any who have not yet completed the survey to do so when possible. This survey is an important part of the evaluation and will inform our understanding of Better Start QDS, as well as any areas for future development and investment.
We understand this can be a very busy time in the sector and appreciate all those who volunteer their time to assist with the evaluation.
Kind regards
The Early Years Team