Dear Service Provider,
We are pleased to inform you that Core Funding Application Changes is now available on the Early Years Hive. This new functionality permits services providers to make changes to their Core Funding Application Module. Providers who have a referred-back application, made an error in the information they originally submitted, have had a change in staffing arrangements or who made their initial application with a vacancy, or have otherwise altered the level of capacity they are providing are required to make changes in order to update their application.
Any changes from application submission that were effective up to and including 21st September 2022 can be submitted as a single change. Any changes following this date must be made in chronological order of when they change occurred. If applications changes are not submitted in chronological order, previous changes will be superseded by the most recent application change submitted, which will lead to additional administration and may impact funding.
The usual rule is that retrospective changes will not be backdated, but in light of the fact that the facility to make changes was not immediately available, there will be a two-week window in which changes that occurred before 28 October will be backdated if they are submitted before 14 November 2022. After this date, back payments will not be permitted.
To support services in completing an application change, a detailed
guidance document and tailored training videos are available under the
Core Funding Documents section on Hive. CCCs and EYPC also remain available to assist with Core Funding Application Changes.
Please note that providers who have not had any changes to their application information since it was submitted do not need to take any further action.
Best wishes,
The Early Years Team