ECCE 2021/2022 CCSP Top Up Higher Capitation and Aim Level 1

Pobal has reviewed registrations for services with approved Higher Capitation for 2021-2022 and/or AIM Level 1 (LINC) for 2021-2022 for children registered for the Community Childcare Subvention Programme (CCSP) who are within the eligible age range for the 2021-2022 Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Programme.
This may result in a top-up payment to those services, based on the current capitation rates as outlined below: 
Higher Capitation = €11.25 per eligible registration (1 FTE)
AIM Level 1 LINC = €2.00 per eligible registration (1 FTE)
The payment takes the following into account:
a) Attendance / leavers / change in level of service.
b) Higher Capitation Top-Up is conditional on the available spaces within the Higher Capitation sessions. Due to this, services defined as ‘partial’ (a mix of higher and standard sessions) are deemed ineligible due to the maximum FTE Cap being equal to attendance at the time of application.
c) The Service Calendar for the facility.
As with the previous programme call, the calculation is always undertaken at the end of the year to ensure accuracy of calculations across the programme year and to reduce any potential overpayments.
A Funding Provision with a clear description is visible on the Early Years Hive under the Higher Capitation or Aim Level 1 Budget Line. If a payment was due, the amount was paid last week.

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