The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth would like to advise you that the process for the checking of ECCE and CCSP Saver Programme fees lists for the 2022/2023 programme year will commence on Tuesday 02 August.
Once your service has completed the ECCE and/or CCSP Saver Programme fees lists the relevant CCC will review the Fees List and will liaise with your service to support and advise if amendments are required.
The CCCs can view ECCE fees list on the Hive, however a copy of your CCSP Saver Programme fees list, if relevant, should be sent to your local CCC for verification. This can be sent by email, screenshot or any other electronic means. Where a service is requested by the CCC to amend their CCSP fees list on the Hive the service should submit a screenshot of the amendments to the CCC.
It is important to note that failure to engage with the CCC or failure to make any required amendments will be notified to the Scheme Administrator for follow up as this will be regarded as non-compliance with programme rules.
For further information in relation to any of the above please contact your local CCC directly.