Programme Readiness for NCS,ECCE, CCSP Saver 2022/2023

The first stage of Programme Readiness for ECCE, NCS and CCSP Saver Programme 2022/23 is 
now available for services to complete on the Early Years Hive.

To activate a funding agreement for ECCE, NCS and CCSP Saver programmes, the Primary Authorised User (PAU) for the service must complete the following steps on the 
Programmes page of Hive:
To activate a funding agreement for ECCE, NCS and CCSP Saver programmes, the Primary Authorised User (PAU) for the service must complete the following steps on the 
Programmes page of Hive:

Confirm Organisation details
Confirm Service provider details
Confirm PAU
Confirm Portal users
Confirm Bank account
Confirm TUSLA registration*
Create/confirm 2022/23 Service calendar
Create/confirm a 2022/23 Fees list
Confirm Qualifications and minimum numbers (ECCE only)
Activate the Funding Agreement

* Service providers must provide valid Tusla certification for each service type offered. i.e., if you offer SAC, you must provide a valid SAC registration number and if you offer ELC, you must provide a valid ELC registration number. This year all service providers must confirm Tusla numbers during programme readiness. If the Tusla numbers displayed on the Certify Tusla Number page of the programme application are inaccurate, or there is one missing, you must submit them under My Account before completing the programme activation. Childminders are only required to provide one Tusla registration number.

Services must be on-boarded on the Hive in order to complete these readiness tasks. If you are new to Hive and looking to on-board your service, please see the on-boarding page of Hive for more information. Please see below for more information and guidance on these readiness tasks for each programme. 

ECCE The programme rules for ECCE 2022/23 can be found on the ECCE Documents page. Please see the below guides available in the Help & Support section of the Hive for guidance:

Once the above tasks are complete, you are now ready to activate the funding agreement for ECCE 2022/23.The funding agreement is available on the Programmes page. You can find a guide and a training video on activating an ECCE funding agreement in the Help & Support section of the Hive here.Child registration for ECCE 2022/23 will be available from 04 July 2022 on Hive. 

NCS The Policy Guidelines for NCS can be found on the NCS Documents page. Please see the below guides available in the Help & Support section of the Hive for guidance:

Full list of NCS programme readiness tasks

How to create/view/update an NCS service calendar

How to create/view/update an NCS fees list

Once you complete the above tasks, you are now ready to activate the funding agreement for NCS 2022/23. The funding agreement is available on the Programmes page. You can find a guide on activating an NCS funding agreement in the Help & Support section of the Hive here

You must activate the NCS 2022/23 funding agreement before the current year’s agreement ends on 21 August 2022. This is to ensure continued participation in the scheme as claims on NCS CHICKs will be registered across both programme years. On the run up to this date, you will be prompted to activate the NCS 2022/23 funding agreement during your weekly NCS Returns on Hive if you have not done so. NCS CHICKs can be registered on the Hive on the NCS Registration page at any point during the programme year. 

CCSP Saver Programme The CCSP Saver Programme will be administered on the Early Years Hive portal from the 2022/23 programme year and all Programme Readiness tasks must be completed on Hive. The programme rules for CCSP 2022/23 can be found on the CCSP Documents page. Please see the below guides available in available in PIP Resources for guidance:

Once the above tasks are complete, you are now ready to activate the funding agreement for CCSP 2022/23.The funding agreement is available on the Programmes page. You can find a guide on activating a CCSP funding agreement in the Help & Support section of the Hive here. Child registration for CCSP 2022/23 will be available from 08 August 2022 on Hive.

Support Should you have any queries in to relation programme readiness, please contact the Early Years Provider Centre by raising a Request on Hive selecting the relevant programme and the request type from the available dropdowns.

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