The following should be noted in relation to applications under Force Majeure for staff shortages.
The circumstances where staff need to isolate or restrict movements are:
- If they have symptoms of Covid-19
- Test positive for Covid-19 (on PCR or antigen test)
- A close contact as formally identified by the HSE and have symptoms of Covid-19
- A close contact as formally identified by the HSE, and have no symptoms of Covid-19, who have either:
- NOT received their booster vaccine OR
- Have NOT had COVID-19 infection detected in the past 3 months (PCR or antigen) regardless of completing their primary vaccination schedule
Close contacts of any age with NO symptoms (regardless of vaccination status) who have recovered from COVID-19 following a positive PCR or antigen test carried out since 1st December 2021, are exempt from restricted movements and testing unless they develop symptoms. If they develop symptoms, they should immediately self-isolate and get tested.
Please always refer to the HSE website for the most up-to-date information.
For all force majeure applications due to staff shortages, proof of the Covid-19 related absence/s must be submitted with the application and a copy retained for compliance purposes.